Wednesday 15 July 2015

DeVry BIS 245 Week 3 ILAB Database Design Using Visio and Based on Data Requirementsand Business Rules
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A.Lab # : BSBA BIS245A-3

B.Lab 3 of 7:Database Design Using Visio and Based on Data Requirementsand Business Rules

C.Lab Overview--Scenario/Summary
2. Given a situation containing entities, business rules, and data requirements, create the conceptual model of the database using a database modeling tool.
3. Given an existing relational database schema, evaluate and alter the database design for efficiency.
4. Given an existing database structure demonstrating efficiency and integrity, design the physical tables.
You have been asked to create a database model using MS Visio Database Model Diagram Template. The purpose of this lab is to provide experience designing, with limited instructions, a simple database based on a list of data requirements and associated business rules.
You will then complete an MS Access database based on the model developed in Visio, creating the necessary tables and relationships.
Upon completing this lab, you will be able to
1. create a new Visio file for database design;
2. using the data requirements and the business rules provided, develop a conceptual model (ERD), including attribute data types and required field lengths; and
3. create a new MS Access database based on the ERD.
D. Deliverables
Part A Step
YourNameLab3.vsd (Visio Diagram)


Part B Step
YourNameLab3.accdb (Access Database)


E. Lab Steps
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