Wednesday 15 July 2015

DeVry BIS 245Week 7 Database Essentials for Business with Lab

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B.Lab 7 of 7 :Database Navigation

C.Lab Overview – Scenario / Summary:
8. Given a database application containing forms, queries and reports, automate tasks and create a menu system which allows for efficient navigation and operation of the database’s functionality.
The purpose of this lab is to show the student how to create navigation systems for an Access application. Students will create a main navigation form which links to additional navigation forms called Enter Data and View Reports. Additionally, students will create forms to automate printing reports and Closing/Exiting the Database. The Enter Data form allows you to open Customer and City forms automatically. The View Reports form allows the user to automatically open the Customer List and Customers by City reports. The Print Reports form will allow users to automatically print the reports. The Exit Database form allows users to close the database and exit the application entirely.
The navigation forms can provide some measure of security to the database as they may prevent users unfamiliar with Access from accessing database objects directly; they make using Access more intuitive to use, and can prevent new users from inadvertently damaging your database objects.
D. Deliverables:
Upload the modified Lab7_Start.accdb file that you saved as YourName_Lab7.accdb to the
Week 7 iLab Dropbox.
Part A
Develop the Enter Data, View Reports, Print Reports, and Customer

Database Navigation Forms

Part B
Create the Close Database Form and add it to the Main Database

Navigation Form. Set the Database Options.

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All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means – graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, Web distribution or information storage and retrieval systems – without the prior consent of DeVry Educational Development Corporation.

BIS245_W7_iLab_Instructions.docx Page 1 of 20

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