Wednesday 15 July 2015

DeVry ENGL 147 Week 3 Proposal Assignment  
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Week 3 APA Module Assignment
For this assignment, you will review materials in the DeVry library to help gain a better understanding of APA citations.

a. Click
b. Listen to the tutorial or download and review the transcript on APA and answer the questions below
After reviewing the presentation, compose a 2-paragraph response in which you address each of the following points:

1. Why is APA style used to document ideas in writing? What is the purpose of the in-text citation? Demonstrate your understanding of the in-text citation by providing an in-text citation for the article you summarized for the week 2 assignment. (15 points)
2. In the article that you summarized in week 2, you may have found some information that you want to quote directly. To demonstrate the process for citing a direct quote, provide an example of properly quoted material. (20 points)
Submit your completed assignment as a Word Document to the Week 3 APA Module Drop box. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read these step-by-step instructions
Item #: 854950494

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