Wednesday 15 July 2015

DeVry BIS 245 Week 4 ILAB Database Essentials for Business with Lab

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week 4

BIS245 Database Essentials for Business with Lab
A.Lab # : BSBA BIS245A-4B

B.Lab 4B of 7:Completing Queries

C.Lab Overview – Scenario / Summary:
# 6: Given a physical database containing tables and relationships and business requirements, create the necessary queries.
The lab begins with a simple example of query development using Access; then, evolves to more complex queries which the student should perform after completing the first exercise. The student can create a query with the wizard, with query design view, or with SQL statements. The Northwind database will be used again in this lab.
Upon completing this lab, you should be able to:
• Create a query by following lab instruction.
• Create a query by using either query designer, or query wizard.
• Create a query by using SQL statements.
• Interpret the results of queries
Submit the MS Access Database file that contains the queries created in this lab.
Query #1 – step-by-step

Query #2 – Compound Statements

Query #3 – Suppliers – step-by-step

Query #4 – Suppliers (more advanced)

Query #5 – Customers – using SQL Statements

Query #6 – Putting it all together

E. Lab Steps:
Copyright © 2010 by DeVry Educational Development Corporation.
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BIS245_W4b_iLab_Instructions.docx Page 1 of 20

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